Added on 09 June 2021
It is great news that the Miller-Dick connection through the Saxon Collection reported in the latest Hugh's News (No 48, May 2021) is making further progress. Our Chairman, Bob Davidson has accepted an invitation to be scientific advisor to the Castlehill Heritage Centre who have received in donation, the fossil fish collection of the late Jack Saxon of Thurso. He will advise on curation and display
Bob has been gaining further recognition on top of his recently awarded MBE.
He was elected a fellow of the Geological Society of London in November 2020 with sponsorship from Mike Newman FGS , one of our members. This means he can add “FGS” after his Royal gong.
He has also accepted a request to sit on the committee for the first revision of the Fossil Code by Nature Scotland (formerly Scottish Natural Heritage). The Code's initial production was largely an initiative of the late Professor Nigel Trewin.