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The Friends of Hugh Miller


Added on 12 January 2015



OUR Chairman, Professor Nigel Trewin, has tendered his resignation from the post on grounds of ill health. The Management Committee has accepted his decision with great reluctance because of his outstanding service, while recognising it is unavoidable.

Nigel has chaired The Friends since its foundation in 2006. He is also one of our three Patrons, and will continue to serve us in that capacity, as well as remaining a member of our Management Committee until further notice.

Nominations are open for a successor to the Chairmanship, to be elected at our next AGM at the Old Brewery, Cromarty, on May 9th. It would be helpful to the Committee if any member wishing to nominate someone would notify our Secretary in advance. Mr Bob Davidson, already a member of the committee, has intimated that he would accept nomination for the post. There is also a vacancy for an eighth place on the committee, for which nominations are invited.

We look forward to as many members as possible attending the AGM, to support The Friends, and in particular the new Chairman, through this transition in our leadership.

Martin Gostwick, Secretary 01381 600301.

< SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT MOTIONPublic Meeting Saturday 9 May >